
Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Month of Gratitude

I don't know about you, but it feels like November came out of nowhere. As I was sitting in church this afternoon, I realized I hadn't started my annual daily gratitude posts. I am going to correct that right now. I enjoy taking the time to write out something I am grateful each day and seeing the wonderful blessings I have in my life. If you are like me and haven't started, you can join in any time!

First, I am grateful for our wonderful friends. Last Sunday, we visited with some of our old friends for a night of pumpkin carving and games. I cannot remember the last time I carved a pumpkin, but it's safe to say that it has been many, many years. I decided to go all out and do a dia de los muertos skull. Most everyone finished their pumpkins quickly, but I kept hard at work finishing mine. A few hours later, it was done! I love how both of our pumpkins turned out and that we were able to spend the evening with our dear friends.

Second, I am grateful we aren't the only Texans in the family anymore! My cousins moved to the Dallas area and we were able to visit them for the weekend. I haven't seen Steve and Sapna since I was a young teenager. It was so wonderful to spend some real time with them and for Jonathan to meet more of my family. Steve has even been caught saying y'all! His Texification is coming along great!

Third, I am grateful for reminders of my childhood (even if they my cause inconvenience). Any time I am stuck waiting for a train, I am taken back to my years in high school racing the trains to get to school on time. We raced them because they were slow moving and then would stop (still blocking the intersection) and then slowly reverse. Thankfully, the trains I wait for here don't pull those types of shenanigans, but I still get transported back to those days for just a few seconds and I can't help put smile.


  1. I love that there is family in Texas for you and Jonathan and that Steve and Sapna have you two in return!


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