
Friday, June 15, 2018


I heard a story at Stake Conference earlier this month that reminded me of a few memories we've made since moving to Texas. A member of the Stake Presidency shared that when he and his wife moved to Texas, she made a few conditions. First that they would only be here for two years (they've lived here for eight years) and second that there would be no cockroaches in their home. While they were moving they stayed in a hotel and she saw a big brown beetle. He went to look at it and immediately knew it was a cockroach since he served his mission in Texas and realized that his wife didn't know what a cockroach looked like. He told her that it must be a beetle of some kind. Later his wife found out it was a cockroach and he paid for his dishonesty.

A few months ago, I was cleaning our apartment. I moved the couch so I could clean behind it and there was a big, dead cockroach! It was larger than my thumbs. It was so gross! Thankfully, Jonathan was home and he flushed it down the toilet. Though, I had visions of the cockroach climbing out of the toilet for awhile. I have no idea how it got in, but thankfully it's been the only one we've seen.

My other story happened between sessions of General Conference back in April. Jonathan was dozing in the chair like in the picture and when I looked up I saw a big brown (what I thought) cockroach climbing up the door frame behind his head. I started yelling cockroach and Jonathan woke up and struggled to figure out where it was since I was pointing at his head. It turned out to be a very large cricket. Luckily, it was dazed and was easy for Jonathan to suck up with the vacuum. Since it was alive, Jonathan released it outside. After these two experiences, I have decided to keep our exterior door closed. I don't want to deal with more large, gross creatures.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I deleted that last comment because I missed spelled a word. But when we lived in Arizona we would see cock roaches sometimes!! I hated them too!! They also had something called a katydid I hated those too!!


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